11th Windsor Conference

  • The 11th Windsor Conference on Thermal Comfort was the last in a series held at Cumberland Lodge since 1994. Planned for the 16th to 19th April 2020, it was cancelled but the full Proceedings can be accessed below in high or low resolution. 

    We would like to thank everyone who has contributed over the years to making this not only The leading, international meeting on comfort, but have also helped to make it such fun, and so rewarding in many ways. We wish you all well for your futures in comfort research.

    Fergus Sig
    Fergus Nicol
    London Metropolitan University
    Sue Roaf Sig
    Sue Roaf
    Heriot Watt University

    11th Windsor Conference 2020 Proceedings (compressed)

    11th Windsor Conference 2020 Proceedings (Higher resolution)



    2020 Conference Photograph

    Grateful thanks to our sponsor

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