Organising Group 2020
- Professor Susan Roaf, Heriot-Watt University
- Professor Fergus Nicol, London Metropolitan University
- Reverend Professor Michael Humphreys, Oxford Brookes University
- Will Finlayson, Ecohouse Initiative Ltd.
- Anne Ormston, Ecohouse Initiative Ltd.
We would also like to thank for their organisational support for the Windsor Conferences:
- Mary Hancock, Oxford Brookes University
- Maita Kessler, Oxford Brookes University
- Kate McCartney, Oxford Brookes University
- Dr Janet Rudge, London Metropolitan University
- Dr Luisa Brotas, London Metropolitan University

Scientific Committee
- Professor Richard de Dear University of Sydney (AU)
- Professor Terry Williamson University of Adelaide (AU)
- Dr. Peter Wouters International Network for Information on Ventilation and Energy Performance (BE)
- Professor Roberto Lamberts, Federal University of Santa Catarina (BR)
- Professor Da Yan Tsinghua University (CN)
- Professor Li Baizhan Chongqing University (CN)
- Professor Edward Ng Chinese University of Hong Kong (CN)
- Professor Yingxin Zhu Tsinghua University (CN)
- Dr Bin Cao (CN)
- Professor Jens Pfafferott Hochschule Offenburg (DE)
- Dr Marcel Schweiker (DE)
- Professor Runa T. Hellwig Aalborg University (DK)
- Professor Bjarne Olesen Technical University of Denmark (DK)
- Professor Jarek Kurnitski Tallinn University of Technology,(EE)
- Professor Risto Kosonen Aalto University (FI)
- Professor Matheos Santamouris Cyprus Institute, University of Athens and University of New South Wales (GR)
- Professor Ashok Lall Kamla Raheja Vidyanidhi Institute of Architecture and Environmental Studies (IN)
- Professor Rajan Rawal CEPT University (IN)
- Professor Ryozo Ooka The University of Tokyo (JP)
- Professor Hom Rijal Tokyo City University (JP)
- Professor Shin Ichi Tanabe Waseda University (JP)
- Dr Djamila Harimi University Malaysia Subah (MY)
- Professor Michael Adebamowo University of Lagos (NG)
- Professor Dr Philomena Bluyssen Delft University of Technology (NL)
- Dr Atze Boerstra BBA Binnenmilieu BV and Eindhoven University of Technology (NL)
- Dr Boris Kingma (NL)
- Professor Wouter von Marken Lichtenburg Maastricht University (NL)
- Mr Giancarlo Mangone Delft University of Technology (NL)
- Prof Iftikhar Raja (PK)
- Dr. Madhavi Indraganti Univ Qatar (QA)
- Dr Mark Olweny Uganda Martyrs University (UG)
- Professor Andy Ford London Southbank University (UK)
- Professor Rajat Gupta Oxford Brookes University (UK)
- Professor Jake Hacker Arups (UK)
- Professor George Havenith Loughborough University (UK)
- Dr Gesche Huebner, University College London (UK)
- Professor Maria Kolokotroni Brunel University (UK)
- Professor Dennis Loveday University of Loughborough (UK)
- Dr. Azadeh Montazami Coventry University (UK)
- Professor Marialena Nikolopoulou University of Kent (UK)
- Professor Ken Parsons Loughborough University (UK)
- Professor Adrian Pitts University of Huddersfield (UK)
- Professor Darren Robinson University of Nottingham (UK)
- Dr Despoina Teli, University of Southampton (UK)
- Dr. Paul Tuohy University of Strathclyde (UK)
- Professor Runming Yao University of Reading (UK)
- Professor Edward Arens University California, Berkeley (USA)
- Professor Gail Brager University of California Berkeley (USA)
- Professor Alison Kwok University of Oregon (USA)
- Assistant Professor Stefano Schiavon University of California Berkeley (USA